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发布时间: 2017-03-27 09:17:05   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 中医针灸穴位翻译例文贴出来供大家参考。
In order to accurately locate the points, it is not enough to simply know the location of the points, one needs to know the correct method of palpation and point location. Commonly used methods include Anatomical landmark method, proportional measurement method, and finger measurement method. Proportional measurement method is used for locating most of the acupuncture points, whereas the anatomical landmark method is only used for points which their anatomical positions are clearly indicated. As for the use of finger measurement method, it is necessary to combine the proportional measurement method.
I. Anatomical Landmark Method
Anatomical landmark method is based on anatomical features to locate acupuncture points. It can be divided into two categories: Fixed and Flexible landmarks.
1.Fixed anatomical landmarks include: depression or prominence formed by muscles or joints, facial features (eyes, nose, mouth), hairline, finger/toe nails, nipples,umbilicus,etc..For example, Yanglingquan (GB34) is located in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula,and at the medial end of the eyebrow is the point Cuanzhu (BL2).
2.Flexible anatomical landmarks include: various hollowness, depression, wrinkles that appear with movements of the phalangeal joints,muscles, membranes, skin, etc.. For example: With the thumb tilted upward, on the radial side of the back of the wrist, the point Yangxi (LI5) is in the hollow between the tendons of m. extensor pollicis brevis and extensor pollicis longus; with the elbow flexed, the point Quchi (LI11) is located at the lateral end of the cubital crease.

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