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发布时间: 2019-02-13 09:18:57   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:



Tr. Gu Zhengkun

Hark! The ospreys merrily call 

On the islet off the river shore.

The girl is lovely and slenderly tall,

Whom the gentleman would adore.

The water plants are long and short,

Here and there they can be sought;

The lovely girl is slenderly tall,

Day and night he would her recall.

The first courtship comes to bay, 

He longs for her wildly night and day. 

The lingering longing grips him tight,

He tosses, unable to sleep at night.

The water plants are long and short,

Here and there they can be caught;

The lovely girl with frail appeal,

He'll befriend with zither and zeal.

The water plants are long and short,

Here and there they can be stored.

The lovely girl is slenderly tall,

With bells and drums he wins her after all.



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