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发布时间: 2018-08-30 09:27:31   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:




A: You said that China has "blocked" actions in the UN Security Council on the relevant actions. I cannot agree with you on that. Like I just said, the historical, ethnic and religious background of the Rakhine issue is very complicated. Earlier on Myanmar and Bangladesh made some positive progress on properly resolving the Rakhine issue through dialogues, thanks to the concerted efforts of all parties. Considering this, the international community should continue to play a constructive role in promoting dialogues and negotiations between Bangladesh and Myanmar to properly settle the issue. Unilateral criticism or pressure will not help solve the problem. China has been playing and will continue to play a constructive role in properly resolving the Rakhine issue.   

Q: According to reports, the US Pentagon concluded after some analysis that China may change its policy of "no first use of nuclear weapons". In an annual reports on China's military power, the Pentagon said that though there is no clear proof that the Chinese leadership support the first use of nuclear weapons, the ambiguity surrounding China's nuclear modernization program is very likely to raise concerns. What is your comment? 

A: This groundless accusation made by the US Defense Department in its report does sound very ridiculous. 




Since the first day we owned nuclear weapons, the Chinese government has solemnly declared that China will not first use nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. China remains committed to this pledge. We follow a nuclear strategy that is defensive in nature and always keep our nuclear strength at the lowest level required by maintenance of national security, thus posing no threat to any country. We firmly oppose these inferior tactics to distort China's policy intentions in an attempt to find excuse for the expansion and upgrade of their nuclear arsenals. 

Q: Earlier this morning, President Trump said that now is not the time to negotiate with China over trade. What are your views on that? 

A: China's position and attitude towards the relevant issue is consistent and clear. We believe that differences and disputes shall be resolved through dialogues based on parity, equality and good faith. Only such foundation ensures that talks are meaning and fruitful. 


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