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共应世界大变局 共建命运共同体——在第七届世界和平论坛午餐会上的演讲(中英对照)I

发布时间: 2018-08-09 09:27:17   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:
摘要: 很高兴应邀出席第七届世界和平论坛,同各位新老朋友共商世界和平发展大业,在座各位都是富有卓识远见的政治家、战略家和国际问...

A Joint Response to the Big Change of the World 


A Joint Effort to Build a Community with a Shared Future






Madame Chen Xu, Chairperson of Tsinghua University Council 

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


It gives me great pleasure to join so many friends, old and new, at the seventh World Peace Forum to discuss the way forward for the noble cause of global peace and development. With your experience, knowledge and wisdom as visionary statesmen, strategists and leading academics on international studies, I have full confidence that we will have a highly productive forum this year.

As a diplomat, I often discuss international issues with visiting political figures and academics, and find such exchanges of ideas informing and inspiring. My recent discovery is that as "black swan" and "gray rhino" incidents happen all too often, words like "uncertain", "unstable" and "unpredictable" have become most used in characterizing our world today. It feels like we do not know the planet where we live any more, when populism, protectionism and unilateralism resurge worldwide, when free trade and economic globalization encounter strong headwinds, and when regional flashpoints, terrorism and issues like refugees and migration flare up one after another. Living in such a world, people cannot help but feel worried and disoriented, at a loss about where the future lies.



We have once again come to a crossroads of history. In the sweeping arc of human history, the critical moments of choice are but a few. Now is a moment of truth: do we raise or lower the drawbridge, do we walk alone or join hands, do we take a "beggar-thy-neighbor" or win-win approach? When facing a fluid situation, it is all the more imperative that we stay clear-eyed about the underlying trend, maintain strategic focus and resist misguided policies. In a word, we must make the right choice that meets the call of our times.

The truth is, amidst the shifting dynamics in the international landscape, peace, development and win-win cooperation remain the growing call of the times, and the trend toward a multipolar world and economic globalization is unstoppable. Our world has become a global village where our interests and futures are closely entwined. Protectionism could not protect and unilateralism would lead to nowhere. In a globalized economy, no one can break apart the global industrial chain or the closely linked interests among countries. In a world of growing interdependence, the practice of hegemony or pursuit of one's interests at the expense of others' would not succeed but boomerang on oneself. 


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