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发布时间: 2018-05-22 09:15:31   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:



You mentioned the outcomes of the latest round of trade talks in Washington, on which both China and the US have issued a statement. You may have noticed that the two sides recognized that as two large economies, it is in our interests to reach consensus and avoid the imposition of tariffs on each other's exports as well as a trade war. This has been made very clear by Vice Premier Liu He in his interview with the media at the conclusion of this round of negotiation. The most remarkable consensus and outcome of this negotiation is that the two sides have recognized that the economic and trade issue need to be properly resolved through negotiation, and we should avoid the imposition of tariffs on goods imported from each other. Like I said last week, we hope we can give a better play to the mutually beneficial and win-win nature of China-US trade ties. 

Follow-up: I guess the scenario now is that the US will escalate trade tensions and temporary agreements are reached, then after a brief lull, there will be another re-escalation. Does China find that pattern concerning? Do you want to warn the US side that it is an inappropriate way to behave? 




A: In the short term, if the Chinese and US government can reach a very good agreement and an outcome that is acceptable to both sides, then the two governments for sure need to abide by such agreement and we indeed don't want to see any reversion on the US part. We believe this result is what the people and business community of the two countries welcome so much and the world at large is so pleased to see. 

If we look at this in a longer term, there have been some ups and downs in the past four decades of China-US bilateral relations, including in our trade ties. With growing interactions between these two large economies, we can hardly guarantee that there will not be any more friction, difference or divergence in the future. But the past four decades have indicated that the fundamental reason why the two sides can properly manage differences and promote greater development of our economic and trade relations is that the development of such relations are in the interests of the two countries and peoples and that the market rule has played an important role in the context of globalization. As a result, we certainly don't want to see any more reversion in this regard. Indeed, we are convinced that for anything that is good to our two peoples, the two governments have the responsibility to get it done. 

Due to scheduling reasons, the regular press conference of the Foreign Ministry on May 22 (Tuesday) will be held at 2:00 p.m. at the same venue. 


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