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发布时间: 2018-05-20 09:48:19   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:
摘要: 非常高兴参加在奥克兰举行的中国商业峰会,感谢主办方新西兰商业信息公司和奥克兰商会的盛情邀请,刚才,阿德恩总理和帕克贸易...

Speech by HE Ambassador Ms Wu Xi at the China Business Summit



It is my great pleasure to join you this morning in Auckland. Let me thank NZ INC and Auckland Business Chamber for hosting this China Business Summit. I appreciate Prime Minister Ardern and Minister Parker's positive remarks on China-New Zealand relations.

Thanks to the concerted efforts by both sides, tremendous progress has been made in China-New Zealand relations over the last decades. Our leaders have kept in close touch with each other. In 2014, we fostered Comprehensive Strategic Partnership during President Xi Jinping's state visit to New Zealand. Last year, we signed Memorandum of Arrangement on Strengthening Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative during Premier Li Keqiang's visit to New Zealand. We enjoy an impressive and proud list of 'firsts' in China's relations with developed countries. New Zealand was the first to sign and implement a bilateral FTA with China, the first to launch the negotiation to upgrade bilateral FTA, to give just a few examples. China has now become New Zealand's largest trading partner. Last year, our bilateral trade volume hit a record high of $26.1 billion. Our people-to-people exchanges remain robust. China is New Zealand's second largest source of tourists and the largest source of international students. 




However, while we are proud of what we have achieved,we should in no way be complacent. In a fast changing and ever evolving world, if we do not press ahead, we will be left behind. Therefore, we need to keep our eyes wide open for the opportunities, and take concrete actions to turn the opportunities into real benefits. In this context, I believe this summit is convened at a timely manner when we need to take a look on how to forge ahead China-New Zealand relations. 

First, I want to talk about China's goal in the next 30 years till the middle of this century. 

In his speech at the 19th Party Congress, President Xi Jinping set a clear goal for China's future development. It means, by 2020, China will complete building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. By 2035, China will have basically achieved socialist modernization. And by 2050, China will have become a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful. This is the blueprint for China's development in the coming decades.


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