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发布时间: 2018-04-20 09:33:52   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:
摘要: 2018年4月19日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会(中英对照),粘贴出来供大家参考。



Q: According to reports, the ROK Ministry of Unification spokesperson yesterday said that the ROK will consult with the DPRK to release a declaration to end the state of war and establish a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. What is your comment? 

A: We believe that denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and establishing a peace regime in parallel in accordance with the "dual-track" approach is an effective way to fundamentally resolve the Korean Peninsula issue. China supports an early end to the state of war and the establishment of a peace regime on the Peninsula with the concerted efforts of all relevant parties. As a party concerned to the Peninsula issue, China is willing to play a positive role to this end. 



Q: Handelsblatt reported that the European Union countries' ambassadors to China supported a report criticizing the Belt and Road Initiative, which alleged that China has blocked free trade and put Chinese enterprises at advantage through this initiative. What is your comment?

A: We have noted this report. According to my information, the EU side has clarified with China that the report by Handelsblatt is inconsistent with facts.


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