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发布时间: 2018-02-26 09:39:33   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室   浏览次数:
摘要: 今天在座的有一些研究国际关系的专家, 但更多是来自经济界的朋友,也许会对我演讲的这个题目感到有点陌生。


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,

很高兴应邀出席中国发展高层论坛年会。我今天演讲的题目是:构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系。今天在座的有一些研究国际关系的专家, 但更多是来自经济界的朋友,也许会对我演讲的这个题目感到有点陌生。但我们现在所处的是一个全球化的时代,政治、经济、文化与外交相互交融,相互影响,日益密不可分。我愿从政治外交的角度参加年会的讨论,帮助大家更好地理解中国的外交政策和战略意图。

It is a pleasure to attend the annual conference of the China Development Forum and to talk about a new type of international relations oriented toward win-win cooperation. A topic as such surely attracts the attention of experts on international relations, yet it might sound a bit unfamiliar to those from the business community, who happen to make a larger part of the audience today. The truth is, we live in a globalized age when everything is connected and has a bearing on each other, be it political issues, economy, culture or diplomacy. So what I will do today is to talk about the political and diplomatic aspect of things, which I hope will help you better understand China’s foreign policy and its strategic intention.


International relations is an old subject, yet it often makes a new topic for discussion. Since the birth of nation states, how to develop state-to-state relations has always remained high on the agenda of human exploration.


More than 300 years ago, with the rise of nation states, the Westphalian System was born in Europe. It established the key principles of sovereignty and equality, and marked the beginning of international relations of modem times. Yet this system had failed in the end to prevent major-power rivalry in Europe.


More than 200 years ago, the Vienna System came into being, under which the post-Napoleonic War geo-political landscape of Europe was re-aligned under the principle of equilibrium of power. The outcome was decades of peace in Europe. Yet as it evolved, alliances were formed and confrontation and arms race emerged before the eventual eruption of World War I.


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