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发布时间: 2019-05-29 09:07:15   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

3. To obstruct the instired from performing the obligation ...; and

4. To promise rebates or other interests other than those provided for in the contracts to the insurants, the insured or beneficiaries.


上面排列的四个动词不定式短语都是acts的同位语,也是动词to commit的宾语。为版面关系,第一个字母都大写,并在倒数第二项末,用一个连接词and。

c. (原文略)

...hereby appoints Mr. XXX , a Chinese citizen, general manager of X Branch and an attorney in (city) empowered to do and execute on behalf of the Bank the following acts and matters:

1. To manage the administration and the business of the X Branch and all its sub-branches.

2. To manage and control all the funds and assets of the X Branch; to handle and deal in gold and silver bullion and all kinds of coins and foreign currencies; ...

3. ...

4. To purchase hold draw accept endorse discount pledge hypothecate or otherwise negotiate and renew any foreign and inland bills of exchange cashier's orders ...



2. 第二种情况是分别排列若干个现在分词,它们在句子中的作用相同,例如:

a. 第一百零三条    有下列票据欺诈行为之一的,依法追究刑事责任:






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