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发布时间: 2019-06-15 08:52:40   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 科技英语文章为使语言简洁、表达有力,并避免重复,或者因习惯及语法结抅上的要求,常常省略句中的一个或几个成分。


1) When the firing takes place, the shell moves in one direction, and the cannon in the other , due to its recoil.

炮弹一旦发射出去,即朝前方运动,而炮身则由于反冲力而向后运动。(Cannon后省略了 moves)

2) The heart can be safely opened and its valves repaired.

心脏能安全地打开,其瓣膜能安全地修复。(Values后省略了 Can be Safety)

3) An essential difference is that the core consists mainly of liquid and the mantle mainly of solid rock.

地核和地幔的根本区别在于,前者主要由液体组成,而后者主要由坚硬的岩石组成。(mantle后省略了 consists)

4) The acceleration is positive if the speed is increased, negative if the speed is decreased. 

速度增大时的加速度为正,速度减小时的加速度为负。 (negative 前省略了 the acceleration is)

5) The logarithm of 10 is 1;of 100,2 ; of 0.001,一 3.

10的对数等于1,100的对数等于2,0. 001的对数等于一 3。(后两个 of 前均省略了 the logarithm ;100和 0.001后均省略了 is)


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