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发布时间: 2017-08-26 08:39:46   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:


In addition to the points stated above, there is another crucial point: absorption of new expressions. This involves a never-ending process of learning,including a never-ending process of identifying, understanding, absorbing, discriminating and storing up newly-emerging expressions and their correct translation. In this connection, constant exposure to relevant new publications and to quality newspapers and journals in both Chinese and English is a matter of necessity.
To cite some examples by way of illustration. (a) the expression“MIRV”stands for "multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle”and is always to be rendered into“多弹头分导重返大气层运载工具”,or into“多弹头返航导弹” for short, (b) “AsiaSat I" stands for "Asia Satellite l ” and is always to be translated into “亚洲一号卫星” or “亚星一号”。 (c) “Biosphere ” into “生物圈二号”。(d) “four-booster-reinforced Long March 2-E rocket" into “长征二号 E 运载火箭”。俗称“长征二号捆绑式火箭”或“长二捆火箭”。etc.

For the conscientious translator or interpreter, the importance of terminology cannot be overemphasized. In theory, as we are all aware, “terminology”refers to the special or technical words used in any art, business, science, or the like.  In practice, however, terminology involves much more than mere“words". This is because each“term”,as distinct from a“word”in everyday English, has a precisely limited meaning---a meaning peculiar to a science, business, an art or the like.  In other words,  terms and the subject matter constitute an inseparable bond; the understanding and translation of“terms”has a great deal to do with the subject matter as well as general knowledge.
Now, you are hereby requested to translate the following short paragraphs into Chinese, which could give you an idea of the importance of“terminology”to translation or interpretation.



(b) 句中的 "reduce”有两个宾语“time”和"cost”,在汉语里其搭配应为“减少计算时间,降低计算成本”。




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