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发布时间: 2019-06-16 08:55:45   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

(3) 一个女人家想去汪洋大海上逞强,我看是小鸡吃大豆---够呛。

A woman wants to go to sea to show her strength? That's like a baby chick trying to eat a soybean—she'll choke on it.

下面我们分析钱钟书小说《围城》的一小段及凯里(J. Kelly) 和茅国权(N. K. Mao)译本Fortress Besieged中的译文(笔者略有改动),就译者使用的翻译增补手段略作统计(见表1)。需要指出的是,统计中未包括源于汉英句法结构转换导致的结构补偿和增补的一般的人称代词和关系代词(如his、who等),但包括为明确指称而加的代词;表中把代词归入结构类,但它实际上是兼概念类的。本段译文中she (乳母)用得较多,减少了原文里主语的模糊性。

方鸿渐住家一个星期,感觉出国这四年光阴,对家乡好像荷叶上泻过的水,留不下一点痕迹。回来所碰见的还是四年前那些人,那些人还是做四年前所做的事,说四年前所说的话。甚至认识的人里一个也没死掉;只有自己的乳母,从前常说等自己结婚养了儿子来抱小孩子的,现在病得不能起床。这四年在家乡要算白过了,博不到归来游子的一滴眼泪、一声叹息。开战后第六天日本飞机第一次来投弹,炸坍了火车站,大家才认识战争真打上门来了,就有搬家到乡下避难的人。以后飞机接连光顾,大有绝世佳人一顾倾城、再顾倾国的风度。周经理拍电报,叫鸿渐快到上海,否則交通断绝,要困守在家里。方老先生也觉得在这种时局里,儿子该快出去找机会,所以让鸿渐走了。 (钱钟书《围城》)

After he had been home for a week, Fang Hongjian felt the four years he had been abroad, like water running over a lotus leaf, had left no trace at all in his hometown, as if he had not left home. The people he met after his return were the same lot of four years before, still doing and saying what they had done and said four years before. Among all his acquaintances, there was not even one who had died off. Only his wet nurse, who used to say always that she would wait till he got married and had a son, and then come look after him, was now ill and bedridden. Not a single tear or sigh could she fetch from the wandering“son”upon his return. She was, as it were, living for nothing during those four years. On the sixth day after the outbreak of the war, when Japanese planes came for the first time to bomb the town and destroyed the train station,everyone at last realized that the war had really reached them and then many families fled to the countryside. Later, the Japanese planes keot coming to “glance” the place in much the same manner as a peerless beauty whose “first glance could conquer a city and second glance could vanquish an empire.” Mr. Zhou wired Hongjian,urging him to come to Shanghai as soon as possible in case he would be stranded at home if all communications were suspended. Feeling that under the circumstances his son should leave home and look for job possibilities, Mr. Fang let him go. 






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