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发布时间: 2019-04-21 08:45:42   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

这里假设译者首先根据由宏观到微观的语篇认知世界分析程序,以原文概念结构和关系为基础,围绕语篇主题,预测一般读者的相关ICM和背景知识,确定译文的用词、句法和篇章结构,使译文语篇的目标读者能够最大限度地获得与其认知世界相统一的、与汉语语篇相似的英语语篇微观认知世界。下面分析王文提供的译文 (句前的序号为笔者所加)。

(1) Alas, I endeavored to perceive the innermost thought of the ancients with lofty ideals, yet it might be different from the two types described above. (2) Why? Because the ancients never neglected the welfare of the state for the pleasures of the natural environment, nor did they immerse themselves in the sorrow for being relegated. (3) When they were maintaining high ranking positions under the Emperor, they took the welfare of the people to heart. (4) When they were placed far away from the court, they were concerned about the monarch, (5) So, whether serving the monarch or being demoted,they were always concerned about either the common people or the sovereign Emperor.(6)“When on earth can they enjoy themselves then? ” you may ask. (7) “We would like to be the first to worry about people’s cares and concerns and the last to partake of their pleasures”,they would answer. (8) But for these people,who else should I share the same pursuit with?

译文运用了一些翻译技巧,如词类转换、增译减译、重复处理、 拆句合句等,目的是使译文能够在读者认知世界中激活决定原文概念结构的认知模式。在选词造句上主要以原文的概念结构为依据, 如“物喜”、“己悲”,没有按照字面翻译成“material pleasures”和 “personal sorrows”,同时对原文语篇的暗喻修辞手法,如“庙堂”、“江湖”、“进”、“退”等,也采取了变通处理,以形成各个概念成分彼此相连的概念链。这些处理无疑是可取的。从译文与读者的语篇认知世界建构的关系来看,笔者认为尚有不足之处。句(2)对原文“不以物喜,不以己悲”进行了阐释,但是和句(3)在有些意义上存在重复。“maintain”—词在“maintaining high ranking positions under the Emperor”中与原文在认知意义上有冲突。这种冲突对译文解读的不利是,它难以通过译文本身的意义联想来加以解决,因此 对译文读者而言,获得的意义与原文存在差异。这里的“under the Emperor”作用不明朗,所指也不清晰,“Emperor”大写字母E和下文 的“monarch”不统一。(7)和(8)句中的两个 “people”给读者造成了额外的认知负担。第二个“for these people”中“people”若指前文的 “the ancients with lofty ideals”,则与原文“微斯人”不符。这些问题都不利于基于心智连贯性的cw建构。前文已经指出,原文文本和译文文本中都可能存在两种制造理解障碍的情况,一是无意为之, 二是有意为之。译文这几个问题显然属于前者。笔者根据自已的理解,在前一个译文的基础上略加调整如下,语篇效果有待验证:

Alas! I endeavored to perceive the innermost thought of those ancients with lofty ideals. Yet it might be different from the two types described above. Why? Because those ancients never had their emotion at the mercy of the natural environments or personal circumstances. When they were appointed in high official positions in the imperial court, they took the welfare of the common people to heart. When they were relegated far away from the court, they were concerned about the monarch. So,whether serving the monarch or being demoted,they were always concerned about either the people or the emperor. "When on earth can they enjoy themselves then? ”you may ask. “We would like to be the first to worry about the people's cares and concerns and the last to partake of their pleasures”,they would answer. Ay! When there are no such people, who else should I share the same pursuit with? 



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