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发布时间: 2018-01-03 15:05:46   作者:译聚网   来源: 英文巴士   浏览次数:

When I grew up,

It changed into a shipping ticket,

A little bit narrow,

To help me sail meet my bride by boat.


And then,

My homesickness turned into a lower tomb.

Outside the tomb I was standing dumb,

Inside it my mother lived as her home.


But now,

My homesickness means the sea beach is shallow.

Still I am on this shore instead of the mainland shore,

Though the sea strait is narrow.


(朱曼华 译)



Yu Guangzhong


As a boy,

I was homesick for a tiny stamp,

– I was here,

Mom lived alone over there.


When grown up,

I was homesick for a small ship ticket,

– I was here,

My bride remained over there.


Later on,

I was homesick for a little tomb,

– I was here,

Mother rested over there.


And today,

I am homesick for a shallow strait,

– I am here,

The Mainland lies over there.


(赵俊华 译) 


Yu Guangzhong


When I was a child,

Nostalgia seemed a small stamp:

“Here am I

And there my mother.”


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