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口译例文——社区服务/Community Service

发布时间: 2024-03-19 09:25:54   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 在全球化的时代背景下,各国都极其重视本国的社会保障及社会服务工作,这确实值得庆贺。





Ladies and gentlemen,

I am very pleased to attend and speak at the current session of the International Symposium on Social Security and Community Service. 

Inspired by the tide of globalization, countries across the world attach great importance to the undertakings of social security and community service in their own countries, something that really deserves high commendation.

Our efforts to promote the development of China's social security work face both problems to be resolved and new

opportunities for development. The overall progress of the reform and opening-up and modernization drive has created favorable conditions for solving the problems of employment and social security. The further growth of the national economy and the increase of economic strength have provided a firm material foundation for the enlargement of employment and the improvement of social security. The market-oriented employment mechanism and social security system that have been established across China have laid a good foundation for further promotion of the labor and social

security undertakings. At the same time, we are also fully aware that the employment problem in both rural and urban areas will remain sharp, and structural unemployment will become more serious for a long time to come. Labor relations are expected to become more complicated, the aging of the population and the increase of unemployment will put more pressure on social security, and promotion of social security in rural areas will take a long uphill journey.




Based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, the Chinese government actively participates in international labor affairs. In the field of labor and social security, China has conducted fruitful exchanges and cooperation with many countries and international organizations, such as the International Labor Organization, United Nations Development Program, World Bank and Asian Development Bank. It has played a positive role in the international community in promoting employment, climinating poverty and protecting the legal rights and interests of workers.

Community service is an increasing concern that has reccived wide attention across the world. Community service is not only a measure to ensure social stability, but also a need for social progress and development. It plays an important role in providing solutions to some social problems, improving people's lives and promoting the construction of healthy values and moral conduct among the citizens.

In spite of the fact that for a long time in the past, there was no such term as "community service" in China, much work was done to provide a variety of service to residents of a community, such as the work of residential district and neighborhood committees in many Chinese cities.





China's nationwide community service drive has progressed in a vigorous manner ever since the country's initiation of the reform and opening program, particularly since the Ministry of Civil Administration acknowledged and decided to popularize the successful experiences involving community service, on the basis of summarizing the work of reform in the urban social welfare system. China's "Outline of the Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-range Objectives" explicitly proposed to actively develop social welfare and community service. It is expected that popular awareness will be aroused to community service in China, which, in turn, will facilitate a new round of development of

China's community service.

Of course, the development of our community service is by no means a balanced one. Much work need be done to strengthen a number of weak links. The success in resolving these problems depends largely on, apart from a stronger governmental leadership, concentrated endeavors on the part of various social groups and non-governmental organizations, and the direct participation and dedication of the citizens. This conclusion does not only recognize something that was derived from our past experience, but also points to the direction of our future work.

We are aware of the fact that China's community service has a short history and suffers a lack of experience due to its late

initiation. We are very fortunate, however, to hear at this symposium the valuable experience and opinions from the

participating European and North American scholars in community service as well from our friends from South-East Asian countries. Their presentations are sure to exert a positive impact on the furtherance and improvement of China's community service.

Thank you.



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