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发布时间: 2019-06-20 09:20:50   作者:译聚网   来源: 外交部   浏览次数:
摘要: 2019年6月13日,驻英国大使刘晓明接受BBC世界新闻(World News)主持人露西·霍金斯直播专访,就涉香港问题阐述中方立场。

Ambassador Liu Xiaoming Gives Exclusive Live Interview to BBC World News

  2019年6月13日,驻英国大使刘晓明接受BBC世界新闻(World News)主持人露西·霍金斯直播专访,就涉香港问题阐述中方立场。专访实录全文如下:


On June 13, 2019, H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming gave an exclusive live interview to BBC World News hosted by Lucy Hockings, in which he talked about China's position on issues relating to Hong Kong. The transcript is as follows:

Hockings: Let's talk about some of those and what the view from Beijing is with the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, who is with me now. Thank you for joining us.

We've seen hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets of Hong Kong, professionals, lawyers as well, all objecting to this bill. Why does China want it?




Ambassador: Not all. I think 800,000 people signed up to support the Hong Kong government's move to amend these ordinances.

Hockings: Does China want this bill?

Ambassador: Of course, we support this, because this effort by the Hong Kong government will address the discrepancies of the existing system so that Hong Kong will not continue to be a safe haven for fugitive criminals. So this will make Hong Kong a better place. Why should we not support it?



Hockings: The people on the streets are not objecting to that. But can you address these concerns that this is going to put people at risk to extradition to China for political crimes that no one is going to be safe, activists, human rights lawyers, journalists, and social workers? Is there commitment from Beijing this will not happen?

Ambassador: This is totally wrong! In fact, there are 37 crimes listed in the ordinance and none of them has to do with any freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of publication, and there is special mention that no offence will be related to political nature. And it has to be crimes in the laws of both places -- both Hong Kong and the other jurisdiction. The important thing one has to realize is it's not about extradition to China. It's about special arrangements with all judicial parties of those who do not have a mutual assistance agreement…




Hockings: But you can assure us that this bill will not be used as a tool against political opponents?

Ambassador: Not at all. It's not the purpose of this bill. I think this has been distorted. I think there is someone with ulterior motives to make it…

Hockings: Who has ulterior motives?


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