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发布时间: 2018-07-10 09:34:30   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:



Q: On July 5, two boats with 133 on board capsized near the island of Phuket in Thailand, and most of the passengers are Chinese. Could the Foreign Ministry tell us the exact number of Chinese tourists on board? How serious are these casualties? 

A: On the afternoon of July 5 local time, two boats carrying 133 tourists capsized off the coast of Koh Hae and Koh Mai Thon in Phuket, Thailand, among whom 127 are Chinese. Up to now, 78 Chinese have been rescued, while 33 still missing and 16 killed (Note: the data has been modified according to the latest updates). Some of the injured Chinese tourists have been sent to the hospitals for emergence treatment. We will keep you posted on the situation as the rescue efforts are still undergoing. 



The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach high importance to this accident, and Secretary General Xi Jinping and other leaders of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made important instructions. The Foreign Ministry launched the emergency response mechanism without delay. An inter-agency task force, led and set up by the Foreign Ministry, is on its way to Thailand. The Chinese Embassy and consulates in Thailand sent a working team to Phuket this morning to handle the matter. Officials from the Chinese Consulate General in Songkhla went to the hospital to visit the injured that very night, coordinated with the hospitals in their efforts to treat the patients and called on Chinese teachers and and overseas Chinese students to volunteer their assistance in hospitals. 

The Governor of Phuket Province has also arrived at the scene to oversee the rescue efforts and the Thai navy, maritime police and tourist police have sent many boats and helicopters to assist in the non-stop search and rescue. Rescue efforts have been made on the land, at sea and in the air. We thank Thailand for the search and rescue efforts and the treatment for the injured ones. We hope it will continue to search for the missing ones, treat the injured, comfort the families and properly deal with the follow-up matters. 

  中国政府和中国驻泰使领馆将继续全力为此次事故中中国同胞及其家属提供协助。我这里可以向大家提供有关联系电话:外交部领保中心热线:12308,中国驻泰国使馆求助热线: 0066-642351752,0066-820367651。 


The Chinese government and diplomatic missions in Thailand will continue to make full efforts to assist the Chinese citizens and their families involved. Once again, the hotline of the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Global Emergency Call Center for Consular Protection is 12308, and the emergency hotline of the Chinese Embassy in Thailand is 0066-642351752 and 0066-820367651. 

Also I would like to stress here that recently, there were a succession of traffic accidents involving Chinese tourists overseas. The summer holiday month of July marks a peak season for outbound trips. We again remind Chinese citizens traveling abroad to raise safety awareness, pay close attention to the safety alerts issued by local governments and relevant departments, cautiously arrange for their agenda and put safety first. 


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