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王毅外长在2013联合国千年发展目标会议发言 中英对照

发布时间: 2018-03-14 08:54:16   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室   浏览次数:


In advancing the development agenda, we must cherish peace as we do our eyes. War has made tens of millions of people homeless, reduced infrastructures to rubble, and brought decades of hard work to nought. To uphold peace is the purpose of the UN Charter as well as the precondition for the MDGs. As a victim of chemical weapons, China is firmly against the use of such weapons. Being a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China strongly supports the efforts of the UN and relevant countries in seeking a political settlement of the issue of chemical weapons in Syria.


As an extension and upgrade of the MDGs, the development agenda must take development as its main objective, follow a people-oriented approach, and prioritize poverty reduction. At this stage, we must pay particular attention to the hunger and unemployment in a number of countries. We need to leverage the role of market and government, develop the social security network, improve infrastructure, build a friendly environment for foreign investors, and enhance the capacity to tackle risks.


A sound external economic environment is indispensible for advancing the development agenda. Countries should work together to uphold an open, inclusive and growing world economy, so that more developing countries could integrate into the global value chain and benefit from it. We must reject trade and investment protectionism, and push forward the WTO Doha round negotiations. Developed countries should undertake due responsibilities in providing development assistance, and adopt responsible macro-economic policies. Countries both in the South and the North should adapt to the trend of economic globalization, pursue win-win outcomes, better coordinate monetary, fiscal, trade, industrial and other macro-policies, and jointly tackle such global challenges as climate change, energy, resources and food security.


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