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2018-06-18 14:08:36    etogether.net    网络    


例1. And what if she should die? She won't die. People don't die in childbirth nowadays. That was what all husbands thought. Yes, but whaL if she should die? She won't die. She's just having a bad time. The initial labour is usually protracted. She's only having a bad time. Afterwards we'd say what a bad time and Catherine would say it wasn't really so bad. But what is she should die? She can't die. Yes, but what if she should die? She can't. I tell you. Don't be fool. It's just a bad time. It's just nature giving her. It's only the first labour, which is almost always protracted. Yes, what if she should die? She can't die. Why would she die? What reason is there for her to die? There's just a child that has to be born, the by-product of good nights in Milan. It makes trouble and is born and then you look after it and get fond of it maybe. But what is she should die? She won't. She's all right. But what is she should die? She can't die. But what if she should die? Hey, what about that? What is she should die?

她如果死了怎么办?她是不会死的,在这年头人是不会因为分娩而死的,所有做丈夫的都会这么想。对,她如果死了怎么办?她不会死。她只不过在受一阵子罪罢了。产程开始时通常要拖得很久, 她只不过在受一阵子罪罢了。事情过后我们会说受了多大ー阵子罪,凯瑟琳则说实在算不了什么。可是她如果死了怎么办?她不能死。对,如果死了怎么办?她不能死,我告诉你,别做傻瓜,她只是受一阵子罪而已,她天生得受这种罪,这只不过是生产,几乎总是拖得很久。对,她要是死了怎么办?她不能死,她凭什么会死?她有什么理由死?只不过是要出生个孩子,我们在米兰夜夜欢娱的结晶罢了, 它引起麻烦,生出来之后你就会抚养它而且说不定还会喜欢它。可是她如果死了怎么办?她不会的,她没问题。可是她如果死了怎么办?她不能死。可是她如果死了怎么办?嘿,你想怎么样?她要是死了怎么办?(上段中反复的是句子,表达作者焦虑担心的心情,起到修辞效果。)

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