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发布时间: 2018-07-11 09:26:08   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国海关总署   浏览次数:

第十条 纳税义务人在货物实际进出口前,可以按照有关规定向海关申请对进出口货物进行商品预归类、价格预审核或者原产地预确定。海关审核确定后,应当书面通知纳税义务人,并在货物实际进出口时予以认可。

第二节  税款的征收

第十一条 海关应当根据进出口货物的税则号列、完税价格、原产地、适用的税率和汇率计征税款。

Article 10 Prior to the actual importation or exportation of goods, a duty and/or tax payer may, in accordance with relevant provisions, file an application with Customs for advance classification, advance valuation, or advance determination of origin of the goods to be imported or exported. Upon completion of such advance procedures, Customs shall notify the duty and/or tax payer in writing of its opinion and acknowledge the validity of such opinion when the real act of importation or exportation occurs. 

Section Two Levying of Duties and Taxes 

Article 11 Customs shall calculate and levy duties and taxes on the basis of the tariff code, dutiable value and origin of the imported or exported goods in accordance with the applicable exchange rate, tariff rate and tax rate. 

第十二条 海关应当按照《关税条例》有关适用最惠国税率、协定税率、特惠税率、普通税率、出口税率、关税配额税率或者暂定税率,以及实施反倾销措施、反补贴措施、保障措施或者征收报复性关税等适用税率的规定,确定进出口货物适用的税率。

第十三条 进出口货物,应当适用海关接受该货物申报进口或者出口之日实施的税率。



Article 12 Customs shall determine the applicable tariff rate for imported or exported goods in accordance with relevant provisions of the Regulations on Duties on the application of the MFN rate, the conventional rate, the preferential tariff rate, the general tariff rate, the export tariff rate, the tariff quota rate, or the interim tariff rate, as well as the applicable tariff rates during the imposition of anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguard measures or retaliatory duties. 

Article 13 For any imported or exported goods, the valid tariff and tax rate for the day on which Customs accepts the import or export declaration shall apply. 

Where, upon the approval of Customs, a declaration is filed before the arrival of the imported goods, the valid tariff and tax rate for the day on which the means of transport carrying the goods is declared for entry shall apply. 

With respect to imported goods transshipped between different Customs regions, the valid tariff and tax rate for the day on which the Customs at the place of final destination accepts the import declaration of such goods shall apply. Where, upon the approval of Customs, a declaration is filed before the goods arrive at the place of final destination, the valid tariff and tax rate for the day on which the means of transport carrying the goods arrives at the place of final destination shall apply. 





With respect to exported goods transshipped between different Customs regions, the valid tariff and tax rate for the day on which the Customs at the place of departure accepts the export declaration of such goods shall apply. 

With respect to imported or exported goods as declared collectively upon the approval of Customs, the valid tariff and tax rate for the day on which Customs accepts the declaration for each import or export consignment of such goods shall apply. 

For the calculation and levying of duties and/or taxes on imported goods sold by Customs in accordance with law as a result of failure on the part of the duty and/or tax payer to go through the declaration formalities within the prescribed time limit, the tariff and tax rate valid for the day on which the means of transport carrying the goods is declared for entry shall apply. 

Where any duties and/or taxes for imported or exported goods need to be recovered due to the violation of relevant provisions by a duty and/or tax payer, the tariff and tax rate valid for the day on which the violation occurs shall apply. If the exact date of violation is unable to be determined, the tariff and tax rate valid for the day on which Customs detects the violation shall apply. 


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