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发布时间: 2019-07-22 08:45:47   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:


下面所收译文多数是杨译(杨宪益夫妇的译文),少数是霍译(英国学者 霍克斯的译文):

1. After lunch, Chin-kuci deliberately went out to clear the coast for them both, and Hsueh Pan started making advances to Pao-chan. Well aware of what he wanted, she only made a show of resisting.

2. Our family's short-handed and, as the proverb says, "A slow sparrow should make an early start." We don't want to find,when the time comes, that we've forgotten this, that and the other,so that people laugh at us.

3. And these five Cousin Lin has written today can also be considered as fresh and original, a quite new approach to the subject.

4. Haven't you heard the saying: " Illness comes as fast as a wall falling down, but goes as slowly as unravelling a cocoon?"

5. Why, cousin, surely you are sufficiently well versed in ancient and modern literature to know the title of that opera. Why do you have to describe it ? It's called "Abject Apologies" .

6. But although his intelligence and ability were outstanding, these qualities were unfortunately offset by a certain cupidity and harshness and a tendency to use his intelligence in order to outwit his superiors; all of which caused his fellow officials to cast envious glances in his direction,

7. He raised his hands and slapped himself on both cheeks.

8. When we have nothing to do but gossip,we always agree that each single one of you girls is one in a hundred. And the wonderful thing is that each one of you has her own good qualities.

9. From of old, young nymphs have preferred youth to age.

10. Paired with a brute like the wolf in the old fable.

Who on his saviour turned when he was able.

11. Tzu-chuan flushed and flashed back. "You're presuming on your age, madam!"

12. Let's find something that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy. 

13. Actually I could easily find vhe evidence in Concubine Chao's rooms, but I was afraid that would make another good person lose face. Other people wouldn't mind, but she'd certainly be angry. It was her that I was thinking of. I didn't want to smash a jade vase to catch a rat.

14. I've never seen such a simpleton as our young master, the way he catches at shadows. What's to become of him?

15. As the proverb says, “All difficulties on earth can be overcome if men but give their minds to it. ”

16. Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.

17. Simple farmer's who live on pickles and dress in homespun at least know the joys of family life together. What pleasure can I take in high rank and luxury when we are separated like this?

18. But "other countries, other ways ", you know. When I enter your domain , I naturally adopt your standards and look on gold, jewels and jade as common, vulgar things.

19. Our house has now enjoyed nearly a century of dazzling success. Suppose one day “joy at its height engenders sorrow." And suppose that, in the words of another proverb, "When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. " Will not our reputation as one of the great cultured households of the age then turn into a hollow mockery?

20. Whatever happens don't forget the proverb, "Even the grandest feast must have an end."



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