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发布时间: 2017-06-01 15:46:12   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

With a view to expanding the opening-to-the-outside-world and accelerating the foreign investment promotion so as to bring about in the city an economic development in a steady, fast and healthy way,the Municipal Party Committee and the Government have, according to the relevant stipulations documented by the higher authorities and taking into consideration the actual conditions of the city,put forward after the discussions the proposals for encouraging the foreign investment as follows.
汉语语义关系很清楚,语义重心在第7分句(最后一句),其余 6个分句均作状语分别表目的(1. 2. 3分句)、方式(4.5)和时间 (6)。但难点在于如何围绕SV主干将这6个分句合理布局。此译分别用介词短语(with view to,after短语),不定式(so as to),分词短语(according to)将这些分句有机地桂连在SV主干上,空间搭架,错落有致。

3.西安为陝西消省会,位于陝西省的中心,是我国中西部主要的工业、科技、文化、教育、商业、金融中心。全市辖七区六县, 面积9,983 平方公里,人口 6. 4百万。
Located in the heart of Shaanxi,Xian, the capital of the Province,is a major industrial,scientific and technological, cultural, educational, commercial and financial centre in central and western China. Tlie city ,which covers 9,983 square km and has a population of 6. 4 million , exercises jurisdiction over seven districts and six counties.
两句共六个分句,按逻辑语义可分为两大部分:位置、地位与区域规模,因而划为两个SV结构的句子较为合理。在SV1中,语义重心为“是……的中心”,其它为从属部分;SV2中,中心语义为 “辖七区六县”,其它部分表具体内容,作定语。全句运用了英语中各种挂连手段(V-ed分词短语,名词同位语,定语从句)完成整句空间搭架,语义重心突出,从属部分层次分明。

4. 亚洲经济是世界经济的重要组成部分,亚洲经济蓬勃发展,为世界经济增添了新的活力,为国防赏易和投资开辟了巨大市场。
Asia, a major component of the world economy,has witnessed robust economic growth which has in turn instilled vitality into tlie world economy and has opened vast markets for international trade and investment.
若按惯常的处理手法将译文句式处理为“蓬勃发展的亚洲经济为……。增添了和开辟了……”,势必造成原文1、2分句在译文中关系不易吻合。此译用最简洁的方式将原文第3分句略怍变通, 构成全句语义重心:“亚洲经历了经济的蓬勃发展”,因而顺利地解决了这一矛盾:原文1分句作译文主语同位语,3、4分句处理为从属部分,由which引出怍定语,围绕汉语语义重心(译文SV结构) 完成空间搭架,较好地表达了原意,避免了句式的冗长和累赘。

5.只有坚决地系统地进行改革,城市经济才能兴旺繁荣,才能适应对内搞活,对外开放的需要,真正起到应有的主导作用, 推动接个国民经济更快地发展。
Firm,systematic reform is the only way that cities will play their due leading role in invigorating the urban economy and enlivening the domestic economy as well as opening to the outside world and promoting a healthier and faster development of the national economy as a whole.
(1)汉语语义关系淸楚:“只有……才能”,主次分明。但此译文未按这种正常的关系处理译文,而是将原条件分句处理为译文SV主干句:“坚决系统的改革才是……的唯一办法”,将原汉语的中心语义部分处理为同位语从句,由that引出,说明主句表语(the only way)的内容;(2)在同位语从句中,将SV2 主干定在“城市將起到应有的主导作用”上,其它四个分句表SV2的方式,用介词“in”引出四个V-ing分词短语,分别挂连在该SV2主干上。这样,便形成 全句SV1 + SV2的主从复合结构,同样主次分明,更加强了原文语义的表达。当然,这种处理是考虑篇章布局中variety的需要而如此进行的,一般可按正常逻辑关系进行处理。


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