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发布时间: 2017-06-03 09:15:51   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 粘贴出来多边外交政策口译例文以供大家参考。

The United Nations, being the most universal, representative and authoritative international organisation, is the most important platform for practicing multilateralism and the core mechanism for responding to threats and challenges, and plays an irreplaceable role in international affairs. The world needs a strong United Nations. As an important member state of the UN, China will continue to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and UN's authority and support the UN in playing an important role in international affairs.
2.中方认为,联合国应继续坚定履行维护世界和平与发展的使命,积极引导全球化朝均衡、普惠、共赢的方向发展;推动实现千年发展目标,尤其是在气候变化领域继续发挥领导作用,以《联合国气候变化框架公约》 和《京都议定书》为框架,坚持“共同但有区别责任”原则,携手合作, 共同应对;联合国还应继续深入人权与社会领域的工作,为应对非传统挑战作出不懈努力。
China holds that the UN should continue to fulfill its mission of maintaining world peace and promoting development. It should work to make balanced progress in globalization that will bring prosperity to all and attain the UN Millennium Development Goals. In particular, it should continue to play a leadership role in tackling climate change by promoting international cooperation within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol and in accordance with the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities". The UN should also promote progress in human rights and other social fields and make unremitting efforts to meet non-traditional challenges.
3. 中国髙度重视联合国、区域组织和次区域组织在维护国际和平和安全方面的合作。中国认为联合国与区域性组织之间加强合作有利于多边主义的发展,有利于巩间和加强国际集体安全机制,也有利于联合国更好地履行维护国际和平和安全的责任。
China puts high emphasis on the cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations in the maintenance of international peace and security. China holds that enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations contributes to the development of multilateralism, helps consolidate and strengthen the international collective security mechanism, and enables the United Nations to better carry out its responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.
4. 自1989年至今,中国共派出14,000余人次参加了24项联合国维和行动, 现有2100多人在10个任务区执行任务。中国目前是联合国维和行动主要出兵国,出兵人数在安理会五个常任理事国中位居榜首。自1999年起,公安部共向7项联合国维和行动派出1569人次的维和警察。
Since 1989 China has sent 14,000 person-times for 24 UN peacekeeping operations and more than 2100 Chinese are on mission in 10 mission areas. China is a major troop-contributing country for UN peacekeeping missions and its number of troops tops the list among the Security Council's five permanent members. The Ministry of Public Security has sent 1,569 person-times of peacekeeping police for 7 UN peacekeeping operations since 1999.
5. 2004年10月,应联合国请求,中国向联合国驻海地稳定特派团(联海团)派遣首支维和警察防暴队。迄今,中国已派出8批共1000人次的维和警察防暴队。目前中国参与联海团的人员包括125人的维和警察防暴队和17人的民事警察。过去6年中,中国维和警察出色的表现赢得了联合国、海地政府的肯定及海地人民的欢迎。
At the request of the UN,China dispatched Ihe first peacekeeping police anti-riot squad to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in October 2004. China so far has sent 8 batches and altogether 1,000 person-times of peacekeeping police anti-riot squads. China row has 125 peacekeeping police anti-riot squad members and 17 civilian police offices in the MINUSTAH. Over the past 6 years, the outstanding performance of Chinese peacekeeping police officers has received the recognition of the UN and the Haitian government and the welcome of the Haitian people.
6. 打击贩毒及相关跨国犯罪需要各国政府、区域组织和联合国各相关机构发挥各自优势和专长,开展有效的国际合作。在国际层面,联合国应发挥更大的协调作用,继续促进国际合作、协助发展中国家加强能力建设。中国支持联合国相关职能机构继续努力应对贩毒和跨国有组织犯罪问题。


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