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发布时间: 2018-01-05 09:19:30   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

2. 否定词的转换


例6. 如果仲裁员不采取行动或他在法律上或事实上无法执行其职务,则应适用以上各条所规定的关于异议和更換仲裁员的程序。


译文:In the event that an arbitrator fails to act or in the event of the dejure or in fact impossibility of performing his functions , the procedure in respect of the challenge and replacement of arbitrator as provided in the preceding articles shall apply.

译文中用fails to act表达不采取行动,impossibility of performing…表达无法执行,精练简洁,不失原意。

3. 扩充


例7. 合同的有效期内和有效期满后5年以内,甲方应对乙方提供的专用技术和任何资料保密。

译文:During the validity period of the Contract and for 5 (five) Years after the validity period, Party A shall keep the know-how and any of the information supplied by Party B secret and confidential.

把保密译成keep…secret and confidential,意思更完整。 

例8. 合同期满后,甲方仍有权使用乙方提供的专用技术,即甲方仍有权设计、制造并使用和销售合同产品。甲方向国外出口合同产品只有事先与乙方议妥后,才能迸行。

译文:After the expiration or termination of the contract, Party A shall still have the right to use the know-how supplied by Party B,i.e, Party A shall still have the right to design manufacture, use and sell the Contract Products in the People's Republic of China only. Party B agrees to discuss after the expiration of the Contract with Party A the possibilities of export by Party A to a third country.


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