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发布时间: 2018-01-05 09:19:30   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 为了提高对外经济合同的英译质量,对外经济合同应尽量直译,力求准确、合乎规范、保持原文风格。

由于经济合同是规定有关方面的权利和所承担的义务, 具有法律效力,因此,其文体特点是庄重严谨、用词确切、合乎规范、结构紧凑、思维缜密、逻辑性强。但是在实际对外经济交往中,合同的英译存在不少问题。为了提高对外经济合同的英译质量,对外经济合同应尽量直译,力求准确、合乎规范、保持原文风格。试看以下例句: 

例1. 如果卖方无法得到制造合同产品所需的原材料,卖方有 权减少给买方的交货量,若买方因发货减少而拒绝收货,此合同隨 即解除,任间一方都不对本合同其他条款承担任何责任。

译文:If the Seller is unable to obtain the materials necessary for the manufacture of the goods to be sold hereunder, the Seller shall have the right to reduce the amount of goods to be delivered to the Buyer. If the Buyer refuses to accept delivery of goods because of such reduction ? the Contract shall then be terminated and neither Party shall be liable for the other provisions hereunder.

例2. 本合同1〜8款内有关的所有项目应按照卖方提交的技术文件,在买方技术人员的现场监督下,按照卖方提交的技术文件付诸实施。

译文:All the items referred to from clauses 1 through 8 in this contract shall be carried out by the Buyer under the organization and arrangement which the Buyer is responsible for and under the supervision of the Seller's technicians on site in conformity with the technical documents submitted by the Seller.



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