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2018-05-28 15:45:46    译聚网    中华人民共和国教育部    

  第二十五条 外国人名、地名等专有名词和科学技术术语译成国家通用语言文字,由国务院语言文字工作部门或者其他有关部门组织审定。 

  第二十六条 违反本法第二章有关规定,不按照国家通用语言文字的规范和标准使用语言文字的,公民可以提出批评和建议。


Article 25 The department in charge of the work related to spoken and written language under the State Council or other departments concerned shall make arrangements for the examination of the translation of proper nouns like the names of foreigners and foreign places and scientific and technical terms into the standard spoken and written Chinese language.

Article 26 Any citizen may make criticism and put forward suggestions where the use of spoken and written language is at variance with the norms of the standard spoken and written Chinese language and is in violation of the relevant provisions in Chapter II of this Law.



Where persons mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 19 of this Law use the language in violation of the relevant provisions of Chapter II of this Law, the units concerned shall, by way of education, criticize the persons who are directly responsible; anyone who refuses to put it right shall be handled by the units concerned.

Where the characters used in the facilities and signboards in public places of cities and in advertisements are in violation of the relevant provisions of Chapter II of this Law, the administrative departments concerned shall give orders for them to be corrected; anyone who refuses to correct them shall be given a disciplinary warning and be urged to put them right within a time limit.


  第二十七条 违反本法规定,干涉他人学习和使用国家通用语言文字的,由有关行政管理部门责令限期改正,并予以警告。   

第四章 附则 

  第二十八条 本法自2001年1月1日起施行。

Article 27 Anyone who, in violation of this Law, interferes with other persons’ learning and using of the standard spoken and written Chinese language shall be ordered by the relevant administrative departments to put it right within a time limit and be given a disciplinary warning.

Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions

Article 28 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 2001.

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