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2018-05-28 16:09:38    译聚网    中华人民共和国教育部    

  第二十九条 设立实施本科及以上教育的高等学校,由国务院教育行政部门审批;设立实施专科教育的高等学校,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审批,报国务院教育行政部门备案;设立其他高等教育机构,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府教育行政部门审批。审批设立高等学校和其他高等教育机构应当遵守国家有关规定。

Article 29 The establishment of higher education institutions shall be subject to examination and approval by the administrative department for education under the State Council, the ones for special course education may be subject to examination and approval by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government that are authorized by the State Council. The establishment of other higher education organizations shall be subject to examination and approval by the relevant departments authorized by the State Council or by the people’s governments of provinces, 

autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The administrative department for education under the State Council shall have the right to abolish the higher education institutions and other higher education organizations the establishment of which is not examined and approved in accordance with the requirements as stated.



For examination and approval of the establishment of higher education institutions, specialists shall be invited to form a panel for appraisal.

The division, amalgamation, termination, and alteration of the names, categories or other important matters of higher education institutions and other higher education organizations shall be subject to examination and approval by the original authority that examined and approved their establishment; amendment of regulations shall be subject to verification by the said authority.

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