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Procurator和 Attorney法律术语分析及英语解释
2018-03-28 08:55:58    etogether.net    网络    

三者均有检察官的含义。prosecutor多为普通法法系国家所用,这些国家的检察人员一般由律师担任[1]。procurator则为大陆法系的有些国家,如法国所用,这些国家的检察官员不必一 定由律师充任[2]。因此,在翻译中国的检察员时,人们多采用 procurator。attorney则常在普通法系国家中被用来称呼具体的各种检察官(因为这些国家规定检察官必须由律师担当),特别是在美国,如:地方检察官(district attorney),县检察官(county attorney),州或地方检察官(prosecuting attorney ),州检察官 (state's attorney),联邦检察官(commonwealth attorney,用于 Virginia 与 Kentucky 州),地方检察长(district attorney general, 用于 New Jersey 州),助理检察长(assistant attorney general,用于 Virgin Islands 州)等[3]。

[1]“A legal officer who represents the government in criminal proceeding. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1237, West Group(1999).

[2]“ Public prosecutor." Cf. Philip B. Grove, Webster's Third New International Dictionary, at p. 1806, G &C Merriam Co. (1971).

[3] Cf. The Publisher's Editorial Staff, Black's Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at ps. 330, 849, West Publishing Co. (1991).

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