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发布时间: 2019-05-17 08:58:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 科技英语中大量使用抽象意义的词或短语,但作者的本意常常是表达具体的概念,译时应还其本来面目,以免译文语意难以捉摸。


1. Space technique has made great progress in the course of this single generation.

空间技术在近30年内取得了巨大的进展。(single generation具体译出)

2. While the artificial hand is considerably less useful than the natural one,there may be some jobs that it can do with greater efficiency.

虽然机械手远比不上人手,但某些工作要机械手来做效率会更高些。(natural one具体译出)

3. Radio waves are too long to affect the retina of eye,so they cannot be seen.

无线电波太长,不能使视网膜感光,因而看不见。(affect 具体译出)

4. It has been recognized for a very long while that continued exposure to noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing.

人们早已认识到,长期处于高强度噪声环境中会导致耳聋。(loss of hearing具体译出)

5. This approach to survival and victory on the battlefield was justified on practical ground.


6. Most comets are extremely faint objects, far below the limit of the unaided eye.

大多数彗星都非常暗淡,远非肉眼可见。(unaided eye具体译出)

7. On admission the patient presented with high fever, severe chest pain and general weakness.

入院时,病人的症状是髙烧、剧烈胸痛、全身乏力。(general weakness 具体译出)


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