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发布时间: 2017-03-24 09:45:05   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 一些专利翻译基本术语及句型表达贴出来供大家参考
[19]中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 [19] State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China
[12]实用新型专利说明书 [12] Specifications of Utility Model Patent
[21]专利号 [21] Patent No. 
[45] 授权公告日 [45]Date of Authorized Announcement: 
[11] 授权公告号 [11]: Authorized Announcement No.: 
[22] 申请日 [22] Application date:
[74] 专利代理机构 [74] Patent agency
[21] 申请号 [21] Application No.
代理人 Agent:
[73]专利权人 [73] Patentee:
[72] 发明人 [72] Designer:
权利要求书1页 One page of Claims,
说明书3页 Three pages of Specifications
附图1页 One page of Drawings
54] 实用新型名称 [54]Name of Utility Model
[57] 摘要 [57]Abstract
说明书 Specifications
权利要求书 Claims
技术领域 Field of the Invention
背景技术 Background of the Invention
发明内容 Description of the Invention
附图说明 Brief Introduction of the Drawings
具体实施方式 Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
说明书附图 Drawings
本实用新型涉及一种…, ,具体涉及一种… The present utility model relates to a…., and more particularly, to a….
由于采用了上述技术方案 Due to the adoption of the technical scheme 
它是在现有技术的基础上进行改进而实现的 The utility model is realized on the basis of the modification of the prior art 
本实用新型由于采用上述结构 Because the utility model adopts the structure 
本实用新型较之原有 Compared with the prior art 
其技术特征为 The technique is characterized in that 
通过上述结构 by the structure 
本实用新型由于采用上述结构特征 Because the utility model adopts the structure characteristics 
本装置使用时 When the device is in use 
在使用本实用新型时 When the utility model is used 
由于采用以上技术方案 Due to the adoption of the technical scheme 
由于采用如上的设计方案 Due to the adoption of the above design scheme 
由于采用了上述的解决方案 Due to the adoption of the solution 
通过以上改进方案 by the improved scheme 
本实用新型实现后 After the utility model is realized 
技术特征是 The technique is characterized in that 
本实用新型与已有技术相对照 Compared with the prior art 
本实用新型克服现有技术存在的不足 The utility model overcomes the defects existing in the prior art 
本装置的主要结构是 The primary structure of the device is that 
本实用新型由于采用了上述结构 Because the utility model adopts the structure 
本实用新型较之现有技术 Compared with the prior art 
本实用新型同已有的技术相比 Compared with the prior art 
由于设计科学合理 Due to the scientific and rational design 
由于采用以上结构 Due to the adoption of the structure 
通过上述技术方案 by the technical scheme 
该装置与已有技术相比 Compared with the prior art 
该装置使用时 When using 
本实用新型在使用中 When the utility model is in use 
本实用新型与已有技术比 Compared with the prior art 
由于采用了上述技术解决方案 Due to the adoption of the technical solution 


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