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发布时间: 2018-07-02 09:52:48   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国海关总署   浏览次数:
摘要: 为了规范海关办理行政处罚案件程序,保护公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》、《中华人...

   第五十条 有违法嫌疑的货物、物品、运输工具无法或者不便扣留的,当事人或者运输工具负责人向海关提供担保时,办案人员应当制作收取担保凭单送达当事人或者运输工具负责人,收取担保凭单由办案人员、当事人、运输工具负责人或者其代理人签字或者盖章。


Article 50 Where it is impossible or not suitable to detain the suspected goods, articles or means of transport, and the party concerned or the person in charge of the means of transport provides Customs with a guarantee, the officers shall make a receipt of guarantee and serve it on the party concerned or the person in charge of the means of transport. The officers, the party concerned or the person in charge of the means of transport, or the agent thereof shall put their signatures or seals on the receipt of guarantee. 

After the guarantee is received, the officers may take photos or videos of the concerned goods, articles and means of transport to keep in the archives. 

    第五十一条 海关依法解除担保的,应当制发解除担保通知书送达当事人或者运输工具负责人。解除担保通知书由办案人员及当事人、运输工具负责人或者其代理人、保管人签字或者盖章;当事人、运输工具负责人或者其代理人不在场或者拒绝签字或者盖章的,办案人员应当在解除担保通知书上注明,并且由见证人签字或者盖章。

    第五十二条 依法对走私犯罪嫌疑人实施人身扣留依照《中华人民共和国海关实施人身扣留规定》的程序办理。

Article 51 Where Customs discharges the guarantee in accordance with law, the officers shall make a written Notification of Guarantee Relief and serve it on the party concerned or the person in charge of the means of transport. The officers, the party concerned or the person in charge of the means of transport, or the agent thereof shall put their signatures or seals on the Notification of Guarantee Relief. If the party concerned, the person in charge of the means of transport or the agent thereof is not present at the scene or refuses to sign or seal, the officers shall note down the situation on the Notification of Guarantee Relief, which shall then also be signed or sealed by a witness. 

Article 52 Detention of smuggling criminal suspects shall be governed by the Provisions of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China on Execution of Personal Detention. 

第七节 调查中止和终结

    第五十三条 海关办理行政处罚案件,在立案后发现当事人的违法行为应当移送其他行政机关或者刑事侦查部门办理的,应当及时移送。


    第五十四条 海关中止调查的行政处罚案件,有下列情形之一的,应当恢复调查:



Section 7 Discontinuation and Conclusion of Investigation 

Article 53 Customs officers shall refer the case in time if they find the administrative penalty case should be referred to another administrative body or criminal investigation agency. 

Investigation into the administrative penalty case by Customs shall be discontinued as of the date of referral to another administrative body or criminal investigation agency. 

Article 54 For administrative penalty cases whose investigation by Customs has been discontinued, Customs shall resume the investigation under any of the following circumstances: 

(1) The administrative body or criminal investigation agency to whom the case has been referred has made the disposition, but Customs administrative penalty is still required; or 

(2) The administrative body or criminal investigation agency to which the case has been referred refuses to accept the case or has decided not to impose criminal penalty and as such has returned the case to Customs for disposition. 


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