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发布时间: 2018-12-14 09:39:57   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:
摘要: 祝贺美中贸委会成立45周年,你们的辛勤工作和卓著成就体现了美中贸委会和美国工商界致力于发展中美关系的愿景和决心,请允许我...

Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai At the 2018 Gala Dinner of the US-China Business Council



Let me first of all congratulate the USCBC for your 45th anniversary. The hard work and solid achievements you have made over the years are the manifestation of the commitment, determination and vision of the USCBC and the business community to China-US relations. Let me salute all the members of the USCBC and its successive boards and the chairs. Let me also take this opportunity to congratulate Ambassador Carla Hills, because you're to be honored tonight for your distinguished contribution to the relationship. This is very well deserved. Thank you for your leadership and contribution for so many years.

On such moments when we have anniversaries, we will always think of our pioneers. And this morning, I was at the National Cathedral for the service to celebrate the life and achievements of President George H. W. Bush. President Bush was one of the architects for modern-day China-US relations. And he is so well-known among the Chinese people. These days, an old picture became very popular on China's internet, a picture of President Bush and Barbara riding bicycles in front of Tiananmen. That picture was taken in 1974, one year after the founding of the USCBC. President Bush is so special to the Chinese people, not only because his ties with China started so early, but also because as US president he presided over some of the most difficult periods in our relations and remained committed to constructive engagement and friendship between our two peoples in the long-term interests of our two countries.



Thanks to the long-standing efforts of President Bush and so many others, including people here tonight, China-US relations have made tremendous progress over the decades, bringing about real benefits to our two peoples. The path forward for China-US relations has been illuminated by so many points of light.

However, over the last year or so, many people in both countries have been worried by some recent developments. There are attempts to disengage our two countries. There are attempts to launch a so-called "new Cold War". And there are attempts to start strategic rivalries between our two countries in the name of a so-called "One-Hundred-Year Marathon". These attempts are questioning the achievements we have made together so painstakingly over the years. They are challenging the very outcome of our cooperation and putting at great risks the future of our relations. So many people and institutions including the USCBC and the business communities of both countries are worried and concerned.


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