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发布时间: 2018-07-12 09:16:21   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:



Today, while marking your graduation from Haddersfield, we are also celebrating the beginning of your education in another university, the "university of real life". At this significant moment, may I share with you my three hopes.

First, I hope you will embrace the world with an open mind and inclusive attitude.

The world is now undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The international landscape is changing drastically. Peace and development are still the main theme of our times. But unilateralism, protectionism and xenophobia sentiments are surging, and the dark cloud of trade war is hanging low. The world faces a critical choice between openness and isolation, between progress and retrogression, between dominance and win-win cooperation.

History has showed us time and again that openness brings progress, isolation leads to backwardness and cooperation delivers win-win results. Our world is a community with a shared future, where the interests of all countries are intertwined. 

Only with better connectivity and integrated development can we achieve common prosperity and improve the wellbeing of everyone. Only with inclusiveness and harmonious coexistence can we promote mutual learning between civilizations and enhance friendship between the people of all countries. Seeking dominance or adopting a "beggar-thy-neighbor" approach is counterproductive and will only lead to a dead end.

I hope that young graduates like you will seize the trend of the times and become champions of openness, cooperation and mutual learning between countries of the world.


Second, I hope you will open you eyes to a changing China.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up policy. In the past 40 years, the Chinese people have successfully blazed a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This has not only brought profound changes to China itself, but also made important contribution to growth and progress in the world. China contributed over 30% to world economic growth every year in the past six years.

In the next 40 years, 

China will work with other countries to safeguard world peace and promote common development with a goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind. 

China will keep to the path of peaceful development based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

China will build the Belt and Road Initiative under the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

And China will take part in the reform of the global governance system guided by the principle of fairness and justice.


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