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发布时间: 2021-02-25 09:29:12   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

3. Xinhua, the official Chinese press agency, said on Tuesday that government officials had denied reports in a Chinese financial newspaper over the weekend that the central bank was considering revaluing the currency by as much as 5 percent toward the end of the year, according to Reuters.

据路透社称,中国官方新闻通讯社——新华社,星期二说,中国政府官员已经否定了一家中国金融报纸在周末报道上的说法, 该报援引路透社报道称中央银行正在考虑到年底前将提高人民币币值5%。


①同位语从句 reports...that the central bank was considering revaluing the currency by as much as 5 percent toward the end of the year用加动词法。

4. The International Monetary Fund has found "no clear evidence" that the yuan is "substantially" undervalued, casting fresh doubt on claims by US manufacturers that the Chinese currency is artificially low and gives China an unfair trade advantage.



① 本句有两个同位语从句,第一个是:“no clear evidence” that the yuan is “tantially” undervalued 可用换位法,译成:没有发现“明显的证据”表明人民币币值被“严重”低估。第二个是:claims…that Chinese currency is artificially low and gives China an unfair trade advantage 可译为宾语从句。

5. Sanwa and eight other foreign banks were selected to participate in trial local currency business, but only on condition that they move their branches from other locations in Shanghai to Pudong.

日本三和银行以及其他8家外国银行已被选中从事人民币试营业,条件是他们要把位于在上海其他地区的分行搬到浦东金融 区。


①同位语从句 condition that they move their branches from other locations in Shanghai to Pudong 译成表语。



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