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发布时间: 2020-07-04 09:12:54   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 有关总数、数字的升降、数字的比较等表达在商务英语的翻译中非常常见,对中国学生来说却往往是一个难点。


1. 总数的英译

汉语表达总数概念的动词比较简单。一般用“达”、“是”,而英文中的动词则更多,如“be, total, come to,amount to,reach, number”等等,我们可多掌握几种表达方法,避免在译文中重复而显得单调:

(1)2003年,中国国家财政收入总额首次突破万亿元,达到11 377亿元。

In 2003, the total national revenue of China reached 1,137,7 billion yuan, exceeding 1 trillion yuan for the first time.


The institutions of higher learning totaled/came to/was 1,075 in 2002 in China.


The international students in our university number 530.

2. 数字升降的英译

表达数字上升或增加到某一具体数字时,可用“grow/rise/increase/jump to...”表达增加的幅度,则在这些动词后接by+ 百分数。表达数字下降或减少可用类似的表达,不过动词用“decrease /fall/reduce/drop ”等, 例如:

(4)去年交通事故共发生36 000起,今年增至54 000起。

Last year the total number of road accidents was 36,000, while this year the figure jumped /rose/increased to 54,000.

(5)国家信息中心预计,今年全年我国的国内生产总值将增长9.3%,总计 13.4万亿元(1.6万亿美元)。

China's State Information Center predicts China's gross domestic product will grow /increase by 9.3 percent for all of this year, with a total of 13.4 trillion yuan or U.S.$1.6 trillion.


China's trade surplus will decrease/drop/fall from last year's 25. 4 billion U.S. dollars to this year's U.S.$4.4 billion.

3. 数字倍数的英译

表达倍数时,应当注意“...times+比较级...”表达的含义与“ ...times as +形容词+as…”的含义是一样的。例如,以下两句都可以表达“它的利润增长速度是一般公司的四倍/比一般公司快三倍”:

Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company. 

=Its profits are rising four times as fast as the average company. 



China's annual income per capita of 2004 quadrupled that of 1994. 



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