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2018-01-16 09:35:58    译聚网    法律翻译网    

  (9) To conduct, on behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, external affairs and other affairs as authorized by the Central Authorities;


  (10) To approve the introduction of motions regarding revenues or expenditure to the Legislative Council;


  (11) To decide, in the light of security and vital public interests, whether government officials or other personnel in charge of government affairs should testify or give evidence before the Legislative Council or its committees;


  (12) To pardon persons convicted of criminal offences or commute their penalties;


  and (13) To handle petitions and complaints.

  第四十九条 香港特别行政区行政长官如认为立法会通过的法案不符合香港特别行政区的整体利益,可在三个月内将法案发回立法会重议,立法会如以不少于全体议员三分之二多数再次通过原案,行政长官必须在一个月内签署公布或按本法第五十条的规定处理。

  Article 49 If the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region considers that a bill passed by the Legislative Council is not compatible with the overall interests of the Region, he or she may return it to the Legislative Council within three months for reconsideration. If the Legislative Council passes the original bill again by not less than a two- thirds majority of all the members, the Chief Executive must sign and promulgate it within one month, or act in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of this Law.

  第五十条 香港特别行政区行政长官如拒绝签署立法会再次通过的法案或立法会拒绝通过政府提出的财政预算案或其他重要法案,经协商仍不能取得一致意见,行政长官可解散立法会。

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