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Transportation,Banishment 和 Exile律术语分析及英语解释
2018-10-27 09:57:16    etogether.net    网络    

三者均有“流放”或“放逐”的含义,均为刑法上的一种刑罚。其区别在于transportation是英国旧时的一种刑罚,其所指的流放是罪犯不仅要被迫离开国家,而且是要被流放出境到一个具体指定的地方,多如美洲或澳大利亚的流放地(penal colony)等[1]。而banishment和exile则仅是将罪犯强制从其祖国或其长期居住地区驱逐到国外或国内某一边远地区而非具体之地点,其也是古时的刑罚,现在已经几乎不再适用,两者意思几乎相当[2]。以上三个术语用于国民,而deportation (驱逐出境) 则是指将违法犯罪而不受欢迎的“外国人”(alien)而非国民驱逐出境[3]。

[1] "Transportation is usually distinguished from banishment or exile in that the criminal ported to a specific place. " Cf. James E. Clapp, Random House Webster's Dictionary of the Law, at p. 433, Random House, Yew York (2000).

[2]“Exile: Expulsion from a country, esp. from the country of one's origin or longtime residence; banishment. ”Cf. Bryan A. Garner, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 595,West Group (1999).

[3]“The removal under Immigration Act of a person from any place in Canada to the place whence he came to Canada or to the country of his nationality or citizenship or to the country of his birth or to such country as may be approved by the Minister under this Act, ”Cf. Daphne A. Dukelow, B. Sc. , LL. B.,LL. M. , The Dictionary of Canadian Law, at p. 272, Thomson Canada Ltd. (1991).


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