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Spin-off, Split-off 和 Split-up法律术语分析及英语解释
2018-08-10 09:25:51    etogether.net    网络    

三者均指美国公司的D重组(D reorganization)方法[1]。其中,spin-off (也称为spin-off method)是指公司通过部分资产转让或出售而使一子公司独立,然后将所获得的该独立之新公司的股份分派给自己的股东,而股东则不用将原持有之股份交出之方法,故称为“派股式重组”[2]。split-off是指公司通过部分资产转让或出售而使一子公司独立,然后用所持的该独立之新公司的股份向自己的股东调换回其所持有的原公司的部分股份的方法,故称为“易股式重组”[3]。split-up则是指公司的全部资产转移,原公司分为两个或两个以上的新公司,然后用新公司的股份调换回原公司股东所持有的所有原公司股份,原公司由此清算(liquidated)停业(go out of business),故称为“易股式分立”[4]。


[1] Cf. Linda Pacard Wood, Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law, at p. 464, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated (1996).

[2]“A corporate divestiture in which a division of a corporation becomes an independent company and stock of the new company is distributed to the corporation's shareholders." Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1409, West Group (1999).

[3]“The creation of a new corporation by an existing corporation that gives its shareholders stock in the new corporation in return for their stock in the original corporation. ”Id. at p. 1409.

[4]“The division of a corporation into two or more new corporations. The shareholders in the original corporation typically receive shares in the new corporations,and the original corporation goes out of business. ”Id. at p. 1409.

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