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Retaliation, Reprisal 及 Retorsion法律术语分析及英语解释
2018-06-16 08:26:14    etogether.net    网络    

三者均为国际法上的报复行为。retaliation ( “报复”)为通用语,指对过错或伤害行为进行的报复(the act of striking back for an injury or wrong, return of like for like[1])。reprisal 和 retorsion则为具体的两种报复行为。其中,retorsion (也拼写为retortion) 为“反报”,主要是指针对某国家不礼貌,不友好,不正当或不公正,但不一定是非法的行为,用相同或类似的行为所进行的合法报复,如中断外交关系,驱逐其国民,限制他们的旅游权利(an act of lawful retaliation in kind for another's unfriendly or unfair act. Examples of retorsion include suspending diplomatic relations ,expelling foreign nationals, and restricting travel rights. ),以及设置贸易壁垒等。而reprisal所指的报复行为或手段则比retorsion激烈,常包括诸如捕获船舶或扣押货物,轰炸或占领它国领土,或扣押人员等,但不包括战争(an act of retaliation, usually of one nation against another but short of war; the use of force,short of war, against another country to redress an injury caused by that country[3])。过去不少词典和学者都将reprisal译为“报复”,这样一来便与retaliation的译法雷同。笔者认为既然reprisal 是“an act of retaliation”,而且 retorsion 也是一种“an act of lawful retaliation”,现 retaliation 已经是“报复”,再将 reprisal 简单译为“报复”似乎不妥。鉴于人们已经习惯称retorsion为“反报”,笔者因此建议将reprisal译为“反击”(我国在上世纪 六、七十年代进行的中越、中印边界自卫反击战不就是一种很好的例证),以消除reprisal与retaliation的混清。

[1] Cf. Gerard M. Dalgish, Ph. D. , Random House Webster's Dictionary of American English, at p. 1102,Random House, New York (1997).

[2] Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1318, West Group (1999).

[3] Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, 2nd edition, at p. 759, Oxford University Press Ltd. (1995);Cf. Bryan A . Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1305, West Group (1999).

上一篇:Rout 和 Riot法律术语分析及英语解释



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