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发布时间: 2024-04-08 09:50:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 立足国内资源,实现粮食基本自给,是中国解决粮食供需问题的基本方针。


China Can Basically Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Grain through Self-Reliance



The basic principle for solving the problem of grain supply and demand in China is to rely on the domestic resources and basically achieve self-sufficiency in grain.


China endeavors to increase its grain production so that its self-sufficiency rate of grain under normal conditions will be above 95 percent and the net import rate 5 percent, or even less, of the total consumption quantity.


China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of future development: Natural agricultural resources, production conditions, technical level and some other conditions ensure great potential in this respect.


There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land.


At present, the per unit area yield of grain varies widely in the same districts, the highest yield being 7,500kg to 15,000kg per hectare, and the lowest 3,000kg to 5,000kg.


Given a relatively stable sown area, China can achieve its desired total grain output target if the annual average increase rate of per unit area yield is one percent from 1996 to 2010 and 0.7 percent from 2011 to 2030.


Compared to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the past 46 years, it is clear that one percent and 0.7 percent are fairly low.


So, to achieve the target is totally possible even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered.


At present, China's per unit area yield of grain is low compared with countries with high grain yields. It will be difficult for China to reach the level of countries with high grain production in a short period of time, but the gap can certainly be narrowed through earnest efforts.


The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500 kg through the upgrading of medium-and-low-yield land, intensifying water-control projects, enlarging irrigated areas and spreading the use of advanced agrotechnology.


There is also potential for exploiting untouched arable land resources.


China now has 35 million hectares of wasteland which are suitable for farming, including about 14.7 million hectares can be reclaimed.


The Chinese government will make efforts to speed up the reclamation of wasteland suitable for farming as well as land discarded by factories and mines, while measures will be adopted to protect the existing cultivated land.


In the next few decades China plans to reclaim more than 300,000 hectares each year to make up for the loss of cultivated land appropriated for non-farming uses and to keep the area of cultivated land constant for a long period of time.


The grain-sown area will be stabilized at about 110 million hectares through the increase of the multiple crop index.



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