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口译例文——左脑之优/Left Hemispheric Dominance

发布时间: 2024-04-26 09:42:00   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 大多数人的左半球负责语言操作,而右半球则掌管与视觉和空间相关的技能,负责对非语言声音以及音乐旋律的感知。

My topic today is the human brain and its relation with language.

The human brain contains an average of ten billion neurons, ог nerve cells, each of which is linked with one thousand to ten thousand other neurons. These nerve cells participate in countless electrical microcircuits which make possible thought, perception, communication, and other types of mental activity.

The outside surface of the brain, which is known as the cortex, consists of a thin wrinkled mantle of gray tissue made up of millions of neurons. This layer of the brain represents man's relatively recent evolutionary step in neurological development and is not present to a comparable degree in any other species.

Many of the cognitive abilities that distinguish humans from other mammals reside in the cortex. These cognitive abilities include sophisticated reasoning, linguistic skills and musical ability.





The brain is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, sometimes called right and left brains. The activity of the two hemispheres is coordinated by a number of interconnecting nerve pathways.

The two sides of the brain, while fairly comparable in size and form, appear to specialize in handling various tasks. Current evidence suggests that the left and right hemispheres differ in some way in their function. For example, specialized linguistic and perceptual skills are each associated with a particular hemisphere of the brain. In most individuals, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language, while the right hemisphere controls visual and spatial skills as well as the perception of nonlinguistic sounds and musical melodies.



Both hemispheres of the brain are involved in control over muscular activity as well as in sight and hearing. However, each hemisphere controls these activities for the opposite side of the body. Thus the right side of the brain is responible for the movement of the left arm and leg, while the left hemisphere controls the movement of the right arm and leg. This is why someone who suffers damage to the right side of the brain will exhibit paralysis on the left side of the body.

You may ask which part of the brain is responsible for linguistic communication. Although there is no final answer to this question, studies have shown that the language center is located primarily in the left hemisphere of the brain in well over 90% of right-handers, who themselves make up about 90% of the population. Although the figure is somewhat lower for left-handers, about 60%, it is clear that the left side of the brain is somehow special as far as language is concerned.

Scientists believe that left-brain dominance in linguistic functions appears to exist prior to birth. It is now known that a portion of the left brain that is crucial to language is larger in fetuses than the corresponding portion of the right brain. This asymmetry is maintained throughout life.

So much for this session. May I stop to take your questions?


也许你会问,负责语言交际活动的究竟是大脑的哪一部分?这个问题虽未有最终结论,但是研究表明,占了人口总数90%的人为右利手(即惯用右手者),而在右利手人群中 90%以上其语言中枢位于左半球。左半球有语言中枢的人在左利手(即惯用左手者)的群体中比例较低,约占60%,尽管如此,他们大脑的左半球因某种原因具有专辖语言的功能。





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