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发布时间: 2024-04-24 09:53:08   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 中国潜在的消费市场是中国吸引世人眼球的一个重要部分,如今,众多外商纷纷涌入中国,看好的就是中国巨大的消费市场。






Many times I have been asked by my foreign friends:What about the potential market in China? My answer is: wonderful. Some foreign investors are content to invest in China merely to support marketing activities elsewhere in Asia.

(In fact,) the potential consumer market in China is one of the country's most attractive features. The reason why a growing number of foreign businessmen are now pouring into China is that they are quite optimistic about China's great potential consumer market.

In the past decade and more, the Chinese government has spent great efforts to tackle the problem of limitations on domestic marketing channels imposed by transportation bottlenecks, lack of communication facilities and administrative requirements.

Because often these are critical factors that influence a foreign firm's investment decisions/ in determining whether and how a foreign firm will invest, the Chinese government has already realized their importance and has taken related measures.


这是一篇商务性口译,主要介绍了中国的投资市场。语言和结构都不是很难,翻译时要注意把汉语的长句和“的”字句转换成英语的定语从句或介词短语。如第二段的“众多外商纷纷涌入中国,看好的就是中国巨大的消费市场。”一句在翻译时增加了一个表原因的定语从句,使整句话看起来更流畅:The reason why a growing number of foreign businessmen are now pouring into China is that they are quite optimistic about China's great potential consumer market.也可以翻译成: A growing number of foreign businessmen are now pouring into China, because they are quite optimistic about China's great potential consumer market.

又如第三段,原文可以简化成“解决...的问题”,翻译时把“问题”提前,“的”字句变成“the problems of...”,再在其中用带by的短语分解这些问题的原因。

最后一段前半句的参考译文比较繁琐,建议翻译成: These are the critical factors that influence a foreign firm to make an investment decision.


(1) 中国的潜在市场怎样 What about the potential market in China?

(2) 支持其在亚洲其他地区的业务

invest in China merely to support marketing activities elsewhere in Asia

(3) 消费市场是吸引眼球的一个部分

the consumer market is one of the country's most attractive features

(4) 看好中国市场 optimistic about China's market

(5) 解决...的问题tackle the problem of...

(6)...的重要因素critical factors that...

(7) 意识到其重要性,并采取了相应的措施

has realized their importance and has taken related measures


(1) 垄断市场monopolize the market

(2) 投入市场be on the market

(3) 第四市场 the quaternary market

(4) 第三市场 tertiary market

(5) 重要市场 staple market

(6) 投机市场 speculative market

(7) 市场衰退 market slump

(8) 市场疲软 sluggish market



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