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Negotiation Tips in Business

发布时间: 2023-09-15 09:18:39   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: The most important arena in which these negotiation tips can come in handy is our daily affairs in business and life.

The theory of the art of negotiation has been developing since ancient times, when things were settled either through negotiation skills or through skills with the sword. Even today, things haven't changed much. Only things are settled through either negotiations, sanctions or guns. Diplomacy is a higher form of negotiation. The most important arena in which these negotiation tips can come in handy is our daily affairs in business and life. The negotiation tips here are generic in the sense that they may apply to various situations in life. So, they are not segmented as "Negotiation Tips for Buying a Car" or "Negotiation Tips for Buying a House". These are principles of negotiation, which can be used in any kind of a deal settlement. It might be a buying/selling deal, a child-parent argument or even a salary negotiation with your boss.

A negotiation is a tug-of-war fight to get an upper hand. There are various factors which can help you get in a better bargaining position. Let us see what are the negotiation tips, expounded by masters which can help us turn negotiations towards what we want!

Make Them an Offer They Can't Refuse

Before going through with a negotiation, think through it and decide what exactly do you want and then try to get as much information as you can about the opposing party's expectations and their bargaining position. Be confident and act confidently during negotiations. Do not show hesitation. Have a calm and cool air about you. This will give you an idea about how much you can make them bend and how much you are willing to bend!

Make a straightforward win/win offer. State exactly what you want and what is in it for them. Then hear their side completely. Be reasonable and argue your case and its advantages for them. Exploit the loopholes in their arguments. Talk in a style which emphasizes what they can get out of this. Chances are that they will see reason. Of course, a lot depends on how desperately they need the deal to close and how much you do! This is one of the negotiation tips, which will be useful in debt negotiation.

Never' Ever Show Your Desperation!

Whatever be the nature of the deal, never show how desperate you are to get this deal closed! That is like putting your cards down and letting other people know that you have no aces left! That will be the end of your bargaining position. Be it buying, selling or any other type of bargaining, act as if the deal in front of you is just one of the many options you have and cloak your desperation. Do not get carried away in your bluffing! Especially in salary negotiation, do not be the first to quote a number to your prospective employer and if you must quote, quote higher than your requirement! Even in real estate negotiations, do not show your desperation in buying or selling the property.


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