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发布时间: 2019-02-15 09:36:11   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国外交部   浏览次数:

  问:请问你能否证实中国政府针对新疆商人哈勒木别克·夏合曼(Halemubieke Xiaheman)向乌兹别克斯坦方面提出了引渡请求?有报道称他本人现滞留在乌兹别克斯坦塔什干机场,你能否证实?


Q: There is a Xinjiang businessman, Halemubieke Xiaheman, reportedly stuck in the Tashkent airport in Uzbekistan. I was wondering if you could confirm that China has issued an extraditional request for this businessman?

A: You mentioned another individual case. I can give your question to the competent authorities in Xinjiang.



But as I emphasized, the relevant authorities in China have spent a lot of time and energy to investigate the many individual cases you asked about, but they were always proven to be mere lies. I hope all media can be aware of that and keep vigilant. Next time when you raise a question, at least you should tell me your source and have your own judgment whether the information is true. I assume you all know the story about the boy who cried wolf. Once or twice is all right, but after three times, it tends to weaken trust.

Q: Another question on Xinjiang. Thank you for verifying information for us, but now we have a problem. We cannot get any response from the spokespersons of relevant provincial, regional and munipal governments or their offices of foreign affairs when we contact them via fax or phone call. We want to directly ask the local authorities but do not have the access. Can you tell us what we can do?



A: First, I'd like to thank you for your trust in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Here is something I think you need to know: the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not in charge of the spokeperson's office of the government of Xinjiang Autonomous Region or any branch of the State Council. It is the State Council Information Office that you need to raise this question to.

My advice is that you really think about how people interact with one another. We attach importance to foreign reporters' questions and do our best to help you know the truth. But after careful verification, all individual cases are proven to be lies that smear China's image. It will only make people who helped you become antipathetic, defensive and alert; they do not want to communicate with you any more. But if you demonstrate your readiness by making objective and fair reports, I believe they will be more willing to conduct open and candid communication with you. This is how interpersonal relations work, and it is the same with working relations.


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