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《关于中美经贸摩擦的事实与中方立场》白皮书 (中英对照全文)VIII

发布时间: 2018-10-15 09:45:47   作者:译聚网   来源: 国新网   浏览次数:
摘要: 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,美国是世界上最大的发达国家,中美经贸关系既对两国意义重大,也对全球经济稳定和发展有着举足...



  图表:图14:全球关税升至世界贸易组织规则允许的最高水平对贸易额的影响 新华社发


  图表:表6:美国挑起贸易摩擦对全球经济的影响 新华社发


  图表:专栏8 美国1930年《斯姆特—霍利关税法》的历史教训 新华社发

According to “Global Economic Prospects” published by the World Bank on June 5, 2018, a broad-based increase in tariffs worldwide would have major adverse consequences, which could translate into a decline in global trade amounting to 9 percent by 2020. The impact would be more severe on emerging markets and developing economies, particularly on those with large trade or financial market linkages with the US (Chart 14). According to WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo, if tariffs return to the pre-GATT/WTO level, the global economy would contract by 2.5 percent instantly and more than 60 percent of global trade would disappear, creating an impact more serious than that of the 2008 global financial crisis. A trade war is detrimental to all, and particularly to the poor, who could lose 63 percent of their purchasing power.  History has proven time and again that trade wars produce no winners and can severely affect world peace and development (Box 8).

Chart 14: Impact on Trade in the Case of Tariff Increase to Bound Levels

 Source: “Global Economic Prospects”, World Bank

Table 6: Impact of Trade Frictions 

Provoked by the United States on the Global Economy

Sources: WTO, IMF, Barclays Capital, Standard & Poor’s, Bank of England and Bank of France


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